Saltpetre (Potassium Nitrate or KN03) is used as an ingredient for curing meats and to give the characteristic pink colour to bacon and hams. Can be used either for dry curing or as a brine solution.
NOTE: We recommend the use of Prague Powders instead of Saltpetre in modern curing, however if you have some older recipes that specify Saltpetre instead then this is for you.
N.B. No recipes are provided for this product.
It is essential to use this product in conjunction with salt and to the correct recommended usage. ALWAYS follow a trusted recipe.saltp
N.B. This product is an explosives precursor and is regulated as a reportable substance, we are therefore obliged to report any transaction involving this product that appears suspicious.
Storage and Care
Store in a cool, dry & dark place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened, reseal and store as above.